Friday, 11 November 2011

Love Compatibility, Astrology Compatibility & Horoscope

Love relationships are some of the most important things in our lives filled with stressful things. Therefore people always try to build strong relationships with their partners as these are the things that make them happy. However, we do not always meet the proper persons to live our lives with so we need some guidance from time to time to find someone to fit with. Many of us choose to check the daily horoscopes to see what the sky has prepared for us. Therefore, love horoscopes and various astrology compatibility tools such as the Chinese Astrology Romance compatibility or Western astrology signs compatibility are significant in helping us to find the proper pair for us.
Astrologers worked hard along the time to improve the tools that predict a part of our future and that can describe general aspects of our personality. Their information, based on the positions of the planets and the stars in the moment of our birth, proved to be useful to a great range of people who choose to trust the horoscopes in general and especially when it comes to match love horoscopes. If you also feel like you would need some guidance in your journey to reach happiness and fulfillment then reading free love horoscopes could help you more than you thought before in finding the right person for you.
Each person’s horoscope uses a birth chart that contains the positions that the planets, the sun and the moon had in the moment when he or she was born. Astrologers think that the birth chart influences at a great extent the characteristics that individuals have and their destiny because they decisions and acts are strongly determined by the movement of the planets. This is why astrology has the proper instruments for you to know whether someone close is the right pair for you or not. Therefore, more and more people build their romantic relationships based on horoscope compatibility tests.
It is not like teenage love horoscopes or Chinese Astrology Signs Compatibility can give you all the answers that you seek for. This is impossible if we keep in mind that the characteristics provided by horoscopes only include general aspects. However, astrology compatibility is able to allow you to better understand your behavior and way of thinking and to do the same with your partner’s. This will surely help you one way or another when it comes to dating and building strong relationships.
You should not think that astrology can open your mind entirely and allow you to make only the best choices when it comes to your romantic life. Keep in mind that you should consider love horoscopes as simple guides that can tell you whether someone you’re with is compatible with you or not, without meaning that a zodiac sign that is incompatible with yours should be completely ignored from the start. Keep your eyes and mind wide open and search love properly with the help of astrology compatibilit                                       
                                                                                                        Pandit Gaurav Acharya (astrologer)

Thursday, 10 November 2011

राशि अनुसार कौन सा पौधा खत्म करेगा सारे दोष...

अगर आपके घर में शांति नही है, हमेशा घर का कोई न कोई सदस्य बीमार रहता है, पैसा नहीं टिकता हो या जीवनसाथी से हमेशा अनबन होती रहती हो तो, आपको अपने राशि स्वामी को प्रसन्न करने के लिए अपनी राशि के अनुसार पेड़-पौधे लगाना चाहिए।

कौन सा पौधा है आपकी राशि का

- मेष और वृश्चिक राशि वाले

 जातक को मंगल देव के लिए लाल फल-फूल वाले पेड़ पौधे लगाना चाहिए।

- वृष और तुला राशि के

 जातकों का राशि स्वामी शुक्र होता है इसलिए उन्हें सफेद फल-फूल वाले बड़े पेड़ पौधे  लगाने से लाभ होगा।

- कन्या और मिथुन राशि के

 जातक बुध ग्रह के अनुसार बिना फ ल और बिना फूल वाले छोटे पौधे लगा सकते है।

- कर्क राशि वाले लोगों का

 राशि स्वामी चंद्रमा होता है, इसलिए उन्हें अपने बगीचे में तुलसी या अन्य छोटे-छोटे औषधीय पौधे लगाएं और उसमें प्रतिदिन पानी दें।

- सिंह राशि वालों को

 लाल रंग के फूल वाले बड़े पेड़ या आकड़े का पेड़ लगाने से लाभ होगा।

- धनु और मीन राशि

 बृहस्पति देव की राशि है इसलिए इस राशि के जातकों को पीले फल वाले वज्रदंती या पीपल के पेड़ लगाना चाहिए।

- मकर और कुंभ राशि

 के व्यक्ति अपने राशि स्वामी शनि के अनुसार बिना फल-फूल वाले पेड़ पौधें लगाएं।

 सभी पेड़-पौधे पूरब दिशा में लगाने चाहिए। ग्रह के बुरे प्रभाव से बचने के लिए वायव्य कोण में यानी पश्चिम और उत्तर दिशा के बीच में भी कुछ बड़े पेड़ लगाए जा सकते हैं।

Pandit Gaurav Acharya

new model town,kochar market chowk
ludhiana,punjab Tel.9914144100,9814844100

Saturn In Libra : Saturn Transit Libra 2011

The term “Saturn Transit” simply means that Saturn is moving from one zodiac sign (Rasi) to the next. This happens once in approximately 2.5 years. This time the Transit is special because Saturn enters Libra (Thula) where Saturn is exalted (happy mood). The interesting thing about Saturn is that this planet spends the longest time in each sign which is Saturn transit makes headlines in the world  of Astrology. The effect of transit varies from one moon sign to another. What is good news for one person is bad news for someone else. In a game one wins when the other person loses out. The following article lets you know whether it is good news for you or are you headed for a challenging phase of your life. More than just informing you what is more likely to come up, I have given information on what you should do to stay protected.
Saturn moves into the next sign zodiac sign approximately once in 2.5 years. Currently Saturn is in Kanya (Virgo). On November 15, 2011, Saturn exits Virgo (Kanya) and moves over into Libra (Thula).
Before reading any further spend some time observing the symbol of Libra which is shown above. The symbol speaks volumes of what Saturn signifies. Saturn is the planet of Justice. Saturn represents the pros and cons of life, the good and bad, the sin and virtue. Saturn in every horoscope represents the merits and demerits of the person. Saturn is not only considered very powerful in Libra (Thula Rasi) but also will be in a very happy mood. Saturn is exalted in Libra. So Saturn loves to come back to Libra.
Saturn  exalted means Saturn is at its best. Think of someone you know and let us call him X. This person has moved into a place where he is not only happy but has also become powerful. Let us say this X has become a Minister of a State and he is getting into a a place that he loves a lot. What will this Minister do? The answer depends on “To whom”. Is it not? He will do good to some and give anxiety to others.
When someone changes his place or role or attitude that is good for some people and bad for others. For example if a politician wins an election and comes to power that is good news for all those who are in a good relationship with him and bad news for those who were not in his good books.
Libra the sign that Saturn enters on November 15, 2011 is represented by the the weighing balance that represents so much of human nature. Human beings spend a lot of time weighing things and people who live around them.
Libra is one of the 3 human signs of the 12 zodiac signs. To differentiate other signs I wish to remind you that Aries is an animal sign because Aries has a mountain ram as its symbol. Taurus is the bull so Taurus in also an animal sign. There are 3 human signs. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These are also air signs. Intelligence is of the nature of air. Not staying on one place. Constantly moving. Constantly weighing the merits and demerits.
Pandit Gaurav Acharya(astrologer)

Vastu Direction: Vastu for Home : Vastu Principles

1.Rooms should be of square or rectangular shape.  These should be airy, well sun lighted and clean.
2.For Kitchen South-East Direction is preferable.  Avoid keeping mirror in Kitchen.
3.For Bedrooms south & south west Directions are preferable.  In the bed room, placement of Bed should be in such way that head be in East or South or South-West direction.  Avoid keeping any water feature or plants in the bed room.  Consider on colour of walls in bed    room also.
4.Center place of home should be clean and vacant.  Corners of room should be well lighted.
5.Heavy structure & Stairs should be in South-West Direction.  Ladder to go up stair curved on the right side should be divided in to two parts.  It should be constructed leaving north-east or south-west direction.  Ladders stepping down towards north or west create waste of Lakshmi.
6.For worship, prayer or Meditation North-East Direction is preferable.  Deity or image of god should not face the south direction. Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying.
7.Dining-room should be in proximity of kitchen but not exposed to the front door of house.
8.The seat in the latrin should be NORTH-SOUTH.  Worshiping place should not be in proximity of toilet room.
9.Placement of computer should be made on user’s right side on the table.
10.Place an aquarium in the south-east corner in living room.  Place a picture of bright sunrise on southern wall in living room. Place a picture of bright sunrise on southern wall in living room.
Pandit Gaurav Acharya (astrologer)

Find Your Lucky Number With Numerology Reading Prediction

You can use numerology for any number of things from finding your Personal Destiny numbers to exploring which career fields may be best for you.  In fact, you can even use numerology predictions to find your very own lucky numbers.  Everyone has a set of lucky numbers, which may show up frequently around them in life.  This can be seen in the number of times you move to your best days of the month.
Just about everything can be tied to numerology.  All you need to do is look a little deeper to find the meaning.  In the case of finding your own lucky numbers all you need to do is find your following number vibrations; Personal Destiny Number, Motivation Number, Birthday Number, Expression Number, Persona Number and your Reality Number.
Each of these numbers can be found by adding up your birth date and your full name in various combinations, like the Personal Destiny Number which is reached by adding up the digits in your birth date.  For example; a person born on January, 22nd 1990 will have the Personal Destiny Number of 6.  This is also one of their lucky numbers.
Finding Double Digit Lucky Numbers
However, your lucky numbers may not always come up in single digit numbers.  This can be a problem if you want to use your lucky numbers to play the lottery.  So, to compute a double digit numerology prediction for your lucky numbers, you’ll look for the relative two digit numbers of the single digit numerology number.
For example; the Personal Destiny Number 6 will have relative numbers in 51, 42, 24, and 33 and so on.  Any double digit number that equals six when added together is the relative number of this numerology number also making it one of this person’s lucky numbers.
This is how you’ll be able to create double digit, triple, quadruple or more digit lucky numbers for your numerology predictions.
Make up your List
Now that you know how to find your double digit lucky numbers or more digits if needed, sit down and make them up.  Use all of your six important numerology numbers to create a large list of numbers.  You can mix and match them for anything you have in mind.

This is also a great way of figuring out which days of the month are going to be better ones for you than others.  Be sure to keep a running tally so you’ll know which of your numbers are the luckiest of all.

Pandit Gaurav Acharya (astrologer)
ludhiana,punjab india
Tel. 9914144100,9814844100